NEW START DATE of program: 11th of May, 2020
Level up your poledance, Elevate your soul!
Do you really want to perform boring elements one by one without knowing what for?
Maybe it’s time to turn on and move from elements to real action?
Register for my course “BADASS CHOREO” right now and start! energetic and bombastic choreographywith spicy, fast and furious elements!
With me you will succeed!
Online Course
Duration: 4 weeks
Name of course: Badass choreo – Russian hard I
In a course: one choreography, jumps, splits, flips (with easier version for beg/int)
Result: Gaining strength, balance and power, to be able to do awesome badass moves like a pro! Learning to dominate the pole by using your inner strength!
Start dancing now, pole dance is too interesting not to!
Price of the course
Basic: 50 EUR
Pro: 90 EUR
VIP: 150 EUR
This course is for you if you:

want to dance
You want to learn pole dance not solely by learning pole elements but also by learning combinations and choreos. You want to be creative and step out of a ussual way of moving.

want to be Strong & flexible
You want to look great and feel awesome in your body. You want to increase your active and passive strech and become more powerful (inside and outside).

want more out of pole dance
You know that element is more than just one motion, you are eager to know how to decorate the moves and how to make your body speak the language of dance.
What will you get after finishing this course you will gain:

You will gain strenght during this course. Arms – core – ankles – legs.

You will get exercises for active and passive stretch.

Gaining exotic pole dance lexicon will give you the freedom of motion.

body control
By building our core you will learn how to micro control your body.

You will feel better not only in your own body but also you will be more connected with your inner self.

You will learn basic arsenal of moves and of course also how to connect them.You will gain technique of how to reach the flow in any elements.

My name is Aleksandra Volkova, as a performer I use stagename Lessandra Volk and my friends call me Sasha or Alex 🙂
I am an enthusiastic pole dancer who continually researches her love for this sport and dance! And You know what!? My passion for it grows each day!
I am a former rhythmic gymnast who left this sport because of the damage of the vertebra, and I am someone who hates the side splits to the moon and back. Well, now I love it, because I also teach flexibility where I choose different methods of work from those, that trainers learned us in professional sport! I also danced a ballet for 6 years and went on to with exploring other dance styles like tango, salsa, bachata and swing. I also explored movements in beautiful Brazilian martial art capoeira and went to hip hop and vogue classes.
So I am definitely a person who needs motion almost the same way as I need air!
For most important part of my personal growth I have to say thanks to 5 years of psychotherapy and yoga. I realized how much do I miss gymnastics and much sadness is still in me because I am not the one of those on the Olympic carpet. But you know what!?
The love for this sport and music (yes I am also former professional violinist – how typically Russian) led me to pole dancing route in 2015. And I have to say, it was a magical moment when I realized, that everything I am missing from gymnastics and from being a musician I could do with Pole DANCE as a DANCE! It was a moment when a started to revealing myself as a dancer and not a sport person anymore, my body became my instrument, and yes I am performer I am competing and I am winning <3
And being able to share it with you all makes me feel alive!
So my main passion is Exotic pole dance, Strip plastic – mainly Frame-up style, and Vogue. Why? Because they are full of elegance, connection, sensuality, and above all the expression of your inner world, theatricality and the idea that pole dance is not only a heavy element, but a special language, just like any dance and art!
I am also owner of eLeVation Pole dance school and finalist of almost all important exotic pole dance competitions.
What will we learn?
You want to look great and feel awesome in your body. You want to increase your active and passive stretch and become more powerful (inside and outside).
Then this choreo is what you need!
If it looks to hard, do not panic! I am offering easier solutions on elements that may cause you troubles, even for beg/int level.
How will it look like?
After payment:
1.) You will be redirected to a page where you will have to enter your data to register
2.) You will have to selecton which platform would you like to follow the course IG private page or FB private group and make a request to join.
3.) After we review payment data and your registration, we will approve your membership on our FB/IG
4.) Every second day you will receive lectures of elements we learn & and every second day you will receive additional tasks to combain those in combo or improve the flow. In a comment you will be posting your moves (In case of IG you will post it in your profile) and I will review your moves. Based on review I will make additional QA video.
5.) At the end of a course you will receive Certificate signed by me @Lessadra Volk
6.) And the most progressive student will receive also a prize from me:
1 prize: Next basic programme for free
2 prize: 50% discount on next online course
3 prize: 20 % discount on next online course
It is time for action! Start dancing now! Select your Your perfect plan:
– 8 videos step by step learning choreography
– 3 videos with explanation of hard elements
– combos for learning elements
– 1 full choreography
– music file with different speed for learning choreography
– General warm-up video
– Flexibility routine
– Strength exercises video
– QA videos
– 30 day coach support via FB
– Certificate of completed Course
Basic: 50 EUR
This programme is meant for someone who wants to learn at any time one on one instead in group.
It also allows you to do the programme in your own tempo, faster or slower.
– 8 videos step by step learning choreography
– 3 videos with explanation of hard elements
– combos for learning elements
– 1 full choreography
– music file with different speed for learning choreography
– General warm-up video
– Flexibility routine
– Strength exercises video
– QA videos
– 30 day coach support via FB 1:1
– Certificate of completed Course
– individual counselling for the duration of course up to 3 months
Pro: 90 EUR
If you also need a Skype counselling, this program is what you need.
For whole duration of a course I am totally yours and we work one on one in group on fb created solely for you with weekly Skype sessions.
– at least 4 skype sessions up to 30 minutes
– 8 videos step by step learning choreography
– 3 videos with explanation of hard elements
– combos for learning elements
– 1 full choreography
– music file with different speed for learning choreography
– General warm-up video
– Flexibility routine
– Strength exercises video
– QA videos
– 30 day coach support via FB
– Certificate of completed Course
VIP: 150 EUR